The Miles Clan

The Miles Clan

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Second stop, MOBILE, AL

The next stop on our butt numbing trip across country, was our roots (do I really have roots being a military brat?), MOBILE!!! A week still wasn't long enough to see everyone and do everything we'd like, but there really is never enough time.

We dropped the trailer and 4-Runner at Caroline's house since she has more space for it. In a conversation with Daddy, I was explaining how I still carry full coverage insurance on not only the 2 Dodges but the 4-Runner as well. He had asked why not just liability and I made a wise crack about if a tree fell on it, I wouldn't be able to just replace it. Note to self: no more wise cracks!!

We took a day and met some family at one of the Casinos for lunch and visiting. We met up with my Great Uncle Bobby & Aunt Ann, as well as my Great Aunt Gladys, my 2nd cousin Joey and my Gammy. This is all from my Daddy's side of the family. It had been nearly a decade since I have seen them. The food was good and the company was WONDERFUL. I am so glad I got that time with them.

Of course, when in Mobile, there must be fireworks, and when there must be fireworks, there must be club members and Hunters house! LOL So we met up with the club for a Golden Corral dinner, and upon leaving, Hunter blew his tranny. What's a club gathering without vehicle carnage, even daily drivers right? So we hook up a tow and get him home, then dive into fireworks. Brandi had just gotten her new camera so we were goofing around with settings and shots just having an awesome time, wishing we lived closer to shoot together more often. Being total goofballs is what she and I do best together!!

We MOSTLY visited with my parents and Greg's mom, sister and nieces, and before you know it, it was time to load up and head out!!

This is why "wise cracks" aren't good.
My Daddy
My Momma
My Greg(ward)
My Mike
My Sean
Uncle Bobby
Aunt Ann
Aunt Gladys
Hunter hooking up the tow strap
This is Beautiful Brandi
Johnny's cab lights and head lights in the side mirror of our truck
Brandi and her newborn camera
Sean setting one up to light off
Of course there's always a hood up and man engines to look at
The gracious host, Hunter
Barbara and Caroline
(Greg's mom and sis)
Mike, Sean and Heather
 Barbara and the puppies
Momma, Mike, Daddy and Sean


  1. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, love seeing your parents again! FUN TRIP and GO BAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Ya know, if I move so soon again, maybe we could have a M'Ellis/Badeaux family reunion in Mobile? They'd take us all in, they claim you as theirs!
