The Miles Clan

The Miles Clan

Monday, February 17, 2014

Feeling Crafty & Wanting to Carry The Beast More Often

I've been feeling a bit crafty here lately, thank you Pinterest, so grabbed some supplies to make a camera insert for my current purse. I tend to not carry The Beast unless we're heading to an event or I'm specifically out shooting (can't remember the last time I did THAT). I decided I can't shoot things if I don't have my camera ALL THE TIME, so I have committed to carrying it (till my arms fall off or I throw out my shoulder). The idea of an insert came with my EXTREME WANT of a Kelly Moore Libby bag so I can convert about 4 bags to one when I travel. Such as, purse, tote with Nook/books/snacks, laptop bag, & camera bag. Also, once we get to where we're staying, I tend to grab my purse and go, hence all the crappy cell phone pics of friends & family, while The Beast sits cozy in it's bag where we're sleeping. Upon researching KM bags, I discovered how nice it'd be to have a daily one as well but my word, we're talking a lot of Lemon Aid Stands to pay for these things, so I discovered the "insert" option. Yeah, looked at those and said "I can make that!" Do I still want a KM daily bag? Oh yeah, of COURSE, but I absolutely LOVE my Calvin Klein purse G bought me over a year ago, and I KNOW I surely will NOT have The Beast in there EVERY day, so for now, a few dollars and a bit of my time…..

Here's my crappy craft, as I knew it would be. I had no real pattern and didn't even do any pinning before sewing (I despise pinning). It's about 1/2-1" larger than I was going for (duh Nay, pattern) but I am being optimistic, I can throw another lens in there with it. It's bulkier than just the camera of course but the padding and material give better protection from my other purse items. This is strictly for when I throw the camera in there (beastly heavy booger) so not sure how much use it'll get. Just carrying The Beast today was aching. Haha
I still want the KM Libby for long outings/travel. Just saying!!

Did I take pics as I made it, yes, am I too lazy to get them from The Beast to the laptop? Of course, (but that's an entirely different blog for another day).

It's about 6" wide x 6" deep x 6 1/2" high

I wanted to fit my Canon XTi with 50mm fixed lens. I'm able to throw in my kit 18-55 zoom OR Tameron 18-200 zoom lens. Even a spare battery.

Carrying a DSLR is heavy, no getting around it. My purse with normal contents is about 2.8lbs

Add The Beast in the insert and it's 6.4lbs

HOWEVER, if I want it on my, I must work the muscles.

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